Pathogenesis of an infected burn wound in rats

Original article

УДК 615.076.9
DOI: 10.57034/2618723X-2023-02-03

K.T. Sultanova*,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology,
K.L. Kryshen,
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Specific Toxicology and Microbiology,
K.E. Borovkova,
Head of Microbiology Laboratory,
Ya.A. Gushchin,
Head of the Department of Histology and Pathomorphology,Х
N.L. Polyuga,

Research and manufacturing company “Home оf Pharmacy”,
188663, Russia, Leningrad oblast, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st. 3–245.

* Е-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: in vivo studies wound healing Staphylococcus aureus


The study was performed without external funding.

For citation:

Sultanova K.T., Kryshen K.L., Borovkova К.E., Gushchin Ya.A. , Polyuga N.L. Pathogenesis of an infected burn wound in rats. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2023; 2.


Burns are a severe and widespread type of injury and are accompanied by local and systemic complications, leading to disability and death. Infection is a major complication of burn injury because thermal burns can cause disturbances of humoral and cellular immunity, and necrotized tissue ceases to perform its normal barrier function, which leads to the development of infection caused by environmental opportunistic microorganisms and commensals, which limits the ability of the skin to heal. In addition, the scab of a burn wound is a nutrient-rich environment that is easily colonized by microorganisms. Gram-positive bacteria are the first colonizers of the wound bed because they make up the microflora of the skin microbiome. Burn wounds are most commonly associated with Staphylococcus aureus, which is capable of producing virulence factors that slow wound healing. The frequency of thermal injuries and their subsequent infection necessitates the creation of new therapeutic agents as well as the development and adaptation of relevant model systems for preclinical studies. A sufficient number of in vivo models have been developed to study the pathogenesis of burn injuries, as well as to conduct specific studies as part of preclinical studies of potential therapeutic agents. Rats are an adaptable model for reproducing infected burn wounds and evaluating their course. The aim of the study was to evaluate the pathogenesis of infected burns, allowing further use of this model pathology in the study of a wide range of potential antiseptic and anti-burn agents. The study successfully generated a model of infected skin burn in Wistar rats. Creation of burn wounds was carried out by contact method, the inducing damage temperature was 100 °C, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 was used as an infectious agent. Evaluation of the dynamics of the course of an infected burn wound was carried out according to the results of planimetric, microbiological, cytological and histological studies. The developed model of an infected skin burn in rats is relevant to study the pharmacological activity of antiseptic agents and local anti-burn agents with an antimicrobial component of the mechanism of action.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Authors contribution

K.T. Sultanova — analysis of scientific and methodological literature, writing and editing the text of the manuscript, summarizing the results of the study.
K.L. Kryshen — idea, critical revision of the content, editing the text of the manuscript.
K.E. Borovkova — performance a microbiological research.
J.A. Gushchin — performance a histological study.
N.L. Polyuga — performance of the experimental part, selection of biomaterial.


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Received: 2022-12-19
Reviewed: 2023-02-24
Accepted for publication: 2023-04-17

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