The main sources of information on the care of laboratory animals and experimental modeling of diseases

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2020-01-03

E.V. Kuvshinnikova,

A.G. Karaev

St. Petersburg state University of chemical and pharmaceutical Sciences Ministry of health of the Russian Federation,

197376, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 14, lit. А2

Е-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: laboratory animals feeding care preclinical studies journals search engines websites

For citation:

Кувшинникова Е.В., Караев А.Г. The main sources of information on the care of laboratory animals and experimental modeling of diseases. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2020; 3.


When planning and conducting preclinical research, it is important for researchers to obtain reliable and up-to-date information not only about the design of research, but also about the welfare of animals in the study, mice keeping, information about methods of euthanasia, the features of content and care when modeling specific experimental pathologies. This information is important for the researcher and makes it possible to exclude the possibility of obtaining inadequate data in the study. Today, there is a large number of peer-reviewed journals that publish the results of preclinical studies of drugs that describe methods and techniques for performing certain surgical manipulations, use in the study of genetically modified animals alimentary or pharmacologically induced models. However, there are not many publications that contain information of audit issues of testing centers, various risks in keeping laboratory animals that occur when changing the physical parameters of the environment. The article presents the main Russian and foreign journals that publish mostly materials on the maintenance and care of laboratory animals, risks arising from the maintenance of laboratory animals, problems of professional pathologies, features of necropsies of different types of animals, in addition, materials on experimental modeling of pathologies, the results of preclinical studies.

Among them, the authors highlight such Russian journals as "The Laboratory Animals for Scientific Research" and "The International Journal of Veterinary Medicine", English-language issues: "The Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science", "The Comparative Medicine", "The Animal Nutrition", "The LabAnimal " and some others. The article also provides recommendations for searching for this information in the most relevant scientific libraries that have their own search systems, such as PubMed Central, ScienceDirect, eLIBRARY, Cyberleninka, as well as sites of nurseries for breeding laboratory animals and feed producers. The e-mail addresses of magazines and search systems are presented, which allows you to find the necessary information quickly, as well as the multiplicity of magazines' releases, and the availability of free access to their articles.

Full text avaliable in Russain only


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