Modeling Of Traumatic Injuries Of The Cornea Of The Eye

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2018-02-04

A. Ivkina(1), Researcher, St. Petersburg state chemical-pharmaceutical University, D. Yu.Ivkin(1), candidate of biological Sciences, head of St. Petersburg state chemical-pharmaceutical University, Е. Semivelichenko(1), Junior researcher St. Petersburg state chemical-pharmaceutical University, G. Plisko(1), Junior researcher St. Petersburg state chemical-pharmaceutical University, P. Burenkov(2), chief, preclinical research, «Samson-Med» 1-St. Petersburg state University of chemical and pharmaceutical Sciences Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 14, lit. And 2-Samson-Med, 196158, St. Petersburg, Moscow highway, 13 E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: traumatic erosion acid burn rabbits

For citation:

Ivkina A., Ivkin D., Semivelichenko E., Plisko G., Burenkov P. Modeling Of Traumatic Injuries Of The Cornea Of The Eye. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2018; 2.


On the center of experimental pharmacology Saint-Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical University on rabbits male breed of Soviet chinchilla, as the most accessible and relevant test system, was conducted modeling of traumatic erosion by the method of S. Hanna, J.E. O’Brien (1960) and an acid burn of the cornea of the eye followed by a histological evaluation of the pathological process. The number of animals was sufficient to obtain statistically reliable results. The article describes in the great detail the conditions for keeping animals and reproducing models, a scoring of the severity of traumatic injury was suggested, which took into account the presence or absence of pathological changes, the presence and severity of the current exudative inflammation followed by pathological vascularization of the cornea, the presence and prevalence of fibroplastic changes in the cornea, pathological process and organization in its outcome. The consistency of the models is confirmed histologically, the severity of the lesion predominates in the modeling of traumatic erosion; in the future, the evaluation of the condition of the cornea may be of interest not only on the 29th day after the modeling of the pathology, but also on the 8th, 15th, 22nd days. In this case, it becomes possible to investigate the development of the pathological process in dynamics. These models are extremely relevant in the study of eye forms of drugs with regenerative, antihypoxic and antioxidant effects.


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