Characteristics of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma model and prospects of its application in experimental pharmacology of veterinary drugs

Original article

УДК 57.084.1:616-006.6:619
DOI: 10.57034/2618723X-2023-03-10

G.A. Vostroilova,
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Preclinical Research and Modeling of Biological Systems,
N.A. Khokhlova*,
PhD, Senior Scientific Associate at the Laboratory of Preclinical Research and Modeling of Biological Systems,
D.I. Shabanov,
Researcher at the Laboratory of preclinical research and Modeling of Biological systems,
E.V. Mikhaylov,
PhD, Head of the Department of Experimental Pharmacology and Functioning of Living Systems,
A.A. Korchagina,
PhD, Senior Scientific Associate at the Laboratory of Preclinical Research and Modeling of Biological Systems,
B.V. Shabunin,
Senior Laboratory Assistant at the Laboratory of Preclinical Research and Modeling of Biological Systems,
A.V. Nekrasov,
Senior Laboratory Assistant at the Laboratory of Preclinical Research and Modeling of Biological Systems,

FSBSI “All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy”,
394087, Lomonosov st. 114B, Voronezh, Russia.

*E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: Ehrlich ascites carcinoma biological model laboratory mice preclinical studies immunopharmacology


The study was performed without external funding.

For citation:

Vostroilova G.A., Khokhlova N.A., Shabanov D.I., Mikhaylov E.V., Korchagina A.A., Shabunin B.V., Nekrasov A.V. Characteristics of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma model and prospects of its application in experimental pharmacology of veterinary drugs. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2023; 3.


The article provides an overview of the most significant works of domestic and foreign authors devoted to the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma biological model. The analysis of the available literary sources showed that despite the long history of the existence of this model and its application in biomedical research, it has not yet become widespread in veterinary medicine. It should be noted that the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma model has a number of peculiarities that allow it to be used for the needs of veterinary medicine, in particular, experimental pharmacology at the stage of drug design and its preclinical testing. The high resistance of malignant cells and tumor survival in experimental animals, as well as the ease of its cultivation and relatively rapid tumor growth, make this model a convenient biological object for research. The effect of tumor cells on the body of the animal with a tumor leads to a change in a number of biochemical indicators of various tissues and organs, and a general toxic effect. In this case, an imbalance of the free-radical and antioxidant systems is observed, the body is exposed to oxidative stress. The immune system under the effect of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma also undergoes a number of changes. Thus, in response to the development of tumor-induced pathological processes, recruitment of immunocompetent cells and an antitumor immune response are observed, which at the same time is suppressed as carcinoma cells grow under the action of immunosuppressive physiologically active compounds produced by the tumor, escape of tumor cells from immunological surveillance and remodelling of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. These processes lead to suppression of the immune system and as a result to the death of animals. These peculiarities make it possible to use the Ehrlich transplantable ascites carcinoma model for testing new veterinary drugs with potential antiblastoma, immunomodulatory, antitoxic properties, as well as medicinal formulations for restoring biochemical indicators and redox homeostasis under conditions of tumor-induced immunosuppression and chronic inflammatory process, and also to study the mechanisms of cell adaptation, including the immune system, under the action of carcinogenesis factors.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest requiring disclosure in this article.

Authors contribution

G.A. Vostroilova — scientific management, critical review and approval of the final version of the manuscript for publication.
N.A. Khokhlova — elaboration of the idea, analysis of scientific literature data, editing of the text of the manuscript, preparation of tables and figures.
D.I. Shabanov — elaboration of the idea, analysis of scientific literature data, editing of the text of the manuscript, preparation of tables and figures.
E.V. Mikhaylov — critical review and approval of the final version of the manuscript for publication.
A.A. Korchagina — analysis of scientific literature data, editing of the text of the manuscript.
A.V. Nekrasov — search and consolidation of literature data.
B.V. Shabunin — search and consolidation of literature data.


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Received: 2022-11-16
Reviewed: 2023-08-17
Accepted for publication: 2023-08-28

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