Approbation of hypertrophic scar model in the rabbit ear with development of a planimetric scale

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2020-04-01

A.A. Zueva1, A.E. Katelnikova1, Y.A. Gushchin2, M.N. Makarova2

1Institute Preclinical Research Ltd.,
188663, Russia, Leningradskiy region, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st., 3-245;

2Research-and-manufacturing company «Home of Pharmacy»,188663, Russia, Leningradskiy region, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st., 3-245

E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: fibroblast collagen ear model corticosteroid medicine diprospan scoring system

For citation:

Zueva A.A., Katelnikova A.E., Gushchin Y.A., Makarova M.N. Approbation of hypertrophic scar model in the rabbit ear with development of a planimetric scale. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2020; 4.


In current study induction of ear hypertrophic scars in rabbit was carried out by local removal of deep layers of skin and perichondrium. The animals were monitored for 17 days. After 17th postwounding day animals were divided into 2 group (N=8 per group): (1) control group, (2) hormonal treatment group with Diprospan® in dose 0,33 mg per animal. The histological study and measuring of scar thickness with scar elevation index (SEI) calculation were carried out for assessment of the pathology and therapeutic activity of tested medicine on the 27th and 37th postwounding day. Scoring system was developed and adapted for animals, in which the following were considered: elevation, surface, contour, texture and color of the wounds.

In results there were observed that the skin changes in control group conform to literature: scars were erythemic, which became poorly later, thick and contoured. Planimetric summary score was 6.5–7.0, and it decreased to 4.5 at the end. SEI increased also large number of fibroblast and irregularly arranged collagen fibers, moderate inflammation infiltration were registered in the superficial layer of scar tissue throughout the study.

Use the Diprospan® in the treatment of hypertrophic scars indicates a complete cosmetic correction in rabbit scar healing. There were observed significantly increased planimetric summary score to 0, significantly increased SEI, lower number of fibroblast and regularly arranged collagen fibers and absence inflammation. It is comparable with the clinical effect of complex scar therapy in patients.

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Autors’ contributions

A.A. Zueva – realization of experimental model, data collection and analysis, writing of the text.

A.E. Katelnikova – writing of the text and/or critical review of the text content, significant contribution to the study design.

Y.A. Gushchin – pathomorphology, data collecting and analysis.

M.N. Makarova – editing of the text, approved the final version of the publication.


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