Circadian fluctuation in plasma testosterone levels in adult male rats

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2020-02-04

A.A. Matichin1, pharmacologist

N.M. Faustova2, PhD, senior researcher of pharmacokinetic group

D.R. Kargopolceva1, veterinarian

M.N. Makarova1, Dr., PhD, Deputy Director for Science

1Institute of Preclinical Research Ltd., 188663, Russia, Leningrad oblast, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st. 3-245

2CJSC St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy

188663, Russia, Leningradskiy region, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st. 3–245

Е-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: biorhythm endocrine state stress preclinical studies variability

For citation:

Matichin A.A., Faustova N.M., Kargopolceva D.R., Makarova M.N. Circadian fluctuation in plasma testosterone levels in adult male rats. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2020; 2.


Testosterone is pleiotropic hormone. It plays an important role in human male and effect on various organ systems including brain activity, peripheral nerves, muscles, fatty and bone tissue, cardiovascular system, male genitals and reproductive system and it cause libido. In studies of the pharmacology activity of new medicines or pathological process in laboratory animals the level testosterone assay in biological fluids and tissues is the one of the important parameters. However it should be taken into account age, sex, endocrine state and also biomaterial sampling time and series of factors affecting on results of the testosterone level assay. Correct interpretation of experimental data is impossible without considering the biorhythm. In current study the data of level testosterone fluctuation in intact rats’ peripheral blood for 25 h (circadian rhythm). A significant increase in the level testosterone was recorded in most experimental animals during the period between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Maximal level of the hormone was 12 o’clock that was comparable with the literature. The testosterone data was sever variable. For example, level testosterone mean was 5,43±2,11 (SEM) nmol/L in 8:00 a.m. Testosterone variability was recorded in various experiments with animals and in clinical practice. In our study it was presented that high variability of the hormone in intact animals may result in the significant differences that make it difficult to interpret of data on therapeutic medicine effect. Thus, it is necessary to increase the animal number, conduct selection animals into experiment and also planning and controlling the biomaterial sampling time when planning an experiment which requires the level testosterone measuring.

Full text avaliable in Russain only

Autors’ contributions

A.A. Matichin – study concept and design, writing and editing of the text

N.M. Faustova – data collection and analysis

D.R. Kargopolceva ­ literary data collection

M.N. Makarova – idea of the research, editing of the text




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