Fluctuations of biochemical indices in change of the heliogeophysical situation

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2020-01-08

R.N. Pavlova,

A.A. Murzina,

V.A. Dadali,

E.A. Sokolova

Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «North-Western state medical university after I.I. Mechnikov» under the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation

193015, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, St-Petersburg, Kirochnaya, str. 41

Е-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: fluctuations of indicators in the control group heliophysical factors change in the nature of the response

For citation:

Pavlova R.N., Мурзина А.А., Dadali D.A., Соколова Е.А. Fluctuations of biochemical indices in change of the heliogeophysical situation. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2020; 1. https://doi.org/10.29296/2618723X-2020-01-08


It is known that in the process of urgent and long-term adaptation to environmental factors, primarily to heliogeophysical, biochemical parameters providing homeostasis are subject to the greatest changes. One of the unaccounted factors influencing the formation of the response of the biochemical system (under standard experimental conditions) is the heliophysical situation. In publications have shown a pronounced correlation between the increase in the number of hospitalized patients with various diseases, primarily cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric disorders and other pathologies and fluctuations in heliophysical parameters. The ability of biological systems to respond to heliogeophysical factors, primarily magnetic fields of various ranges, is confirmed by a number of model studies. The article presents a retrospective review of our own data obtained from 1975 to 2009 on fluctuations in biochemical parameters with a change in the heliogeophysical situation. In the days of a sharp change in heliogeophysical arameters, there may be a change in the magnitude of biochemical parameters in the control group and a change in the nature of the response of the biological system. An analysis of the causes of a change in the values of indicators in the control group and a change in the response to exposure under standard experimental conditions compared with previous data. The study was conducted in the in vitro and in vivo experiments, the brain homogenate and blood hemolysate of outbred white rats were used as the object of study. Results It was found that during periods of heliophysical fluctuations, not only a quantitative change in the activity of enzymes occurs (SOD of blood hemolysate and ATPase of rat brain), but also a change in the nature of the response to physical or chemical effects - the appearance of a multidirectional response to the influence of the factor with the same (except heliophysical conditions) experimental conditions.

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