Comparative analysis of features of dwarf pig and human hemostasis during ontogenesis

Original article

УДК 616.15+612.115
DOI: 10.57034/2618723X-2022-03-06

K.V. Tyutina*, Junior Researcher, Laboratory for Enzyme Immunoassay,
N.M. Faustova, PhD of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for Enzyme Immunoassay,
V.A. Berezkin, veterinarian,
P.V. Sakovich, Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Hematology,

Research and manufacturing company «Home оf Pharmacy»,
188663, Russia, Leningrad oblast, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st. 3-245

* E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: minipigs prothrombin time partially activated thromboplastin time plasminogen activity


The study was performed without external funding.

For citation:

Tyutina K.V., Faustova N.M., Berezkin V.А., Sakovich P.V. Comparative analysis of features of dwarf pig and human hemostasis during ontogenesis. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2022; 3.


Dwarf pigs are suitable models in preclinical studies aimed at studying the properties of antithrombotic drugs and in other studies related to the study of the mammalian hemostasis system. In order to correctly assess the results, it is necessary to take into account age-related changes in the main indicators of hemostasis, as well as the possible influence of blood sampling conditions on these indicators. It is also necessary to extrapolate correctly the obtained data on the process of the pig hemostasis system to humans.

Objectives: 1) to study the basic parameters of hemostasis and fibrinolysis in dwarf pigs during their ontogenesis; 2) to compare the studied parameters of hemostasis and fibrinolysis in dwarf pigs with the same parameters for humans.

Plasma of dwarf pigs of both sexes of five age groups was used in the study: 2 months, 6 months, 1 year, 1.5–2 years and 3–6 years.

According to the results of the study, it was found that the place of blood sampling (jugular or ear vein) does not affect the parameters of hemostasis in dwarf pigs. Prothrombin time and activated partially thromboplastin time do not depend on the age and sex of dwarf pigs. The reference intervals for the main indexes of hemostasis are: 10.8–22.9 sec for activated partially thromboplastin time, 11.4–17.2 sec for prothrombin time. In general, the obtained reference values of activated partially thromboplastin time and prothrombin time are comparable with the values of these indicators in humans. Plasminogen activity in dwarf pigs is significantly lower than in humans, independent of age and sex. The reference range for dwarf pigs is 1.94–7.66%, whereas for humans the normal range of plasminogen activity values averages 80–130%. The relatively low plasminogen activity in dwarf pigs can be based on the features of the fibrinolytic system of pygmy pigs: the specific amino acid sequence of plasminogen and the high activity of plasmin inhibitors. There is also a high resistance of clots to fibrinolysis in dwarf pigs. Thus, dwarf pigs are not suitable models for the study of thrombolytic drugs.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Authors contribution

K.V. Tyutina — analysis of scientific and methodological literature, collection and systematization of material, writing and editing the text of article, statistical data processing.
N.M. Faustova — idea of the study, the implementation of the practical part of the study, collection and systematization of the material, analysis of the literature, the editing and revision of the text of article, the responsibility for all aspects of the work related to the reliability of data.
V.A. Berezkin — work with laboratory animals (minipigs), collection of material.
P.V. Sakovich — performing tests to determine the parameters of hemostasis in the blood plasma of minipigs.


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Received: 2022-05-30
Reviewed: 2022-08-29
Accepted for publication: 2022-09-01

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