Endotracheal administration to laboratory animals

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2020-02-08

Trofimets E.I., Toxicologist

Makarova M.N., Dr. Med. Sci., Director, ORCID 0000-0003-3176-6386,

Katelnikova A.E., PhD, Toxicology Team Leader

Kryshen K.L., PhD, Head of Toxicology and Microbiology Department

Institute of Pre-Сlinical Research Ltd.

188663, Russia, Leningradskiy region, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st. 3–245

Е-mail:  [email protected]

Keywords: respiratory tracts toxicity anesthesia lung volumes laboratory animals

For citation:

Trofimets E.I., Makarova M.N., Katelnikova A.E., Kryshen K.L. Endotracheal administration to laboratory animals. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2020; 2. https://doi.org/10.29296/2618723X-2020-02-08


Any nonclinical study experiment of pharmaceuticals don’t perform  without studied objects administration to laboratory animals. First of all the choice of administration method depends on the application method in clinical practice, and, in turn, is an important and necessary stage for further assessment of the studied objects effects on the target organs and the organism as a whole. There is increasing interest in targeted methods of administration due to the new medicines and dosage forms development with the targeted delivery to the organs and systems of the body. One of these methods is endotracheal administration, which is analogue of the inhalation method of drug administration in clinical practice. Delivery of pharmaceuticals directly to the lungs allows to achieve necessary therapeutic concentrations quickly in the target organ, reduce severity of its system and side effects, to avoid the effect of "first passage through the liver " and drug destruction in the gastrointestinal tract. In laboratory practice this method of administration is interesting not only from the pharmacological activity and safety research study point of view, but also from the possibility of using this method for the respiratory system pathology induction.

This paper presents an overview of the endotracheal method of administration to laboratory animals. This review discusses the most appropriate choice of anesthesia, procedure of administration, manipulation quality control, equipment, choice of vehicle, volume of administration and interspecific differences in the respiratory system physiological parameters (lung volume, length and diameter of the trachea) that need to be taken into account while planning the experiment with this type of administration. While study plan with endotracheal administration  to the laboratory animals preparing, it is necessary to take into account two important factors that affect the quality of manipulation: the volume of administration and the use of anesthesia during manipulation.  The active substance distribution in the lung tissue, undesirable effects development in the form of dosage loss and injury are depending of these factors. We have not found in the available literature information about the recommended and maximum allowable volumes for endotracheal administration to different types of animals. As a result of literature data analysis and our own experience we have proposed recommended and maximum volumes for endotracheal administration for various types of laboratory animals.

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Autors’ contributions

E.I. Trofimets – literary data collection, data collection and analysis, swriting and editing of the text

M.N. Makarova – study concept and design, editing of the text, supervised the project, approved the final version of the manuscript

A.E. Katelnikova – supervised the project

K.L. Kryshen – supervised the project

Acknowledgements. The research was supported financially by Research-and-manufacturing company «Home оf Pharmacy». The authors appreciate efforts Gushchin A.Ya. in conducting a pathomorphological study.


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