Technique of dissection and extracting organs of laboratory animals. Message 5 – rabbit, ferret

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2019-03-05

K.E. Koptyaeva, veterinarian pathologist of the department of histology and pathomorphology,
J.U. Ustenko, veterinarian pathologist of the department of histology and pathomorphology,
Ya.A. Guschin, Head of the department of Histology and Pathology,
E.V. Belyaeva, veterinarian pathologist of the department of histology and pathomorphology,
M.N. Makarova, Dr. Med. Sci., director,
V.G. Makarov, Dr. Med. Sci., professor, deputy director of «Research-and-manufacturing company

Houme of Pharmacy

188663, Russia, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhskiy district, st. Zavodskaya, Kuzmolovskiy, b. 245, 3

E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: necropsy pathomorphology

For citation:

Koptyaeva K., Ustenko J.U., Belyaeva E., Guschin Ya.A., Makarova M., Makarov V. Technique of dissection and extracting organs of laboratory animals. Message 5 – rabbit, ferret. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2019; 3.


The fifth message from a series of articles on the methodology of necropsy and extraction of organs of laboratory animals, describing in detail and illustrating the technique of sequential and complete necropsy and extraction of organs of laboratory rabbits and ferrets, is presented. Rabbits are suitable for long-term ongoing research, and are the only laboratory rodents from which you can get recombinant pharmaceutical proteins and explore the oral or intragastrically forms without destroying the integrity of the tablets. In addition, they are used to develop and study new surgical methods, physiological tests and studies of various types of toxicity for drug testing. Various viral and bacterial diseases were studied on ferrets, as well as pathology of the organs of hearing, vision, the vomiting reflex due to the similarity of many anatomical, metabolic and physiological characteristics to humans. This article describes the method of necropsy from the procedure of external examination of a corpse, sequential dissection and examination of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and before the extraction of organs, the selection of various bone preparations. Possible methods for the extraction of organs of the oral cavity (including extraction of the tongue, pharynx), all organs of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities are described and illustrated. Describes the method of extraction of the brain, the method of selection of the chest bone for histological examination of the bone marrow and upper jaw for histological examination of the nasal passages. A procedure for preparing a spinal cord site for fixation in formalin without removing it from the spinal canal is described. Demonstrated methods for extracting the eyes, together with the lacrimal gland and eyelids by a single organocomplex, extracting the muscles and adjacent peripheral nerves. The methods of extraction and the sequence of actions performed, described in this article, minimize the damage to the organs being removed and prevent their contamination in order to prevent the occurrence of certain artifacts detected by subsequent histological examination.

Full text available in Russain only.


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