Approbation of the cisplatin-induced acute vomiting model in ferret and choice of reference treatment

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2019-03-10

A.E. Katelnikova, PhD, Toxicology Team Leader,
A.A. Zueva, Toxicologist,
A.A. Matichin, Pharmacologist,
D.R. Kargopolceva, Veterinarian,
D.S. Gajdaj, Biologist

Institute of Preclinical Research Ltd.
188663, Russia, Leningrad oblast, Vsevolozhskiy district, Kuzmolovskiy t.s., Zavodskaya st. 3-245

E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: vomiting nausea latent period animal source animal sampling method

For citation:

Katelnikova A.E., Zueva A.A., Matichin A.A., Kargopolceva D.R., Gajdaj D.S. Approbation of the cisplatin-induced acute vomiting model in ferret and choice of reference treatment. Laboratory Animals for Science. 2019; 3.


The absent of effective in all clinical and other conditions nausea and vomiting antiemetic treatment demonstrate the need for research in this area. This raises the question, what models are most suitable for such studies. In the early 1980’s it was seen ferrets suffered from acute vomiting induced by high dose of cisplatin. It was suggested using ferrets as an alternative test-system instead dogs, cats and monkeys which exploited previously in researches of vomiting induced by cytotoxics and testing of potential antiemetic medicines. Cisplatin-induced vomiting in ferret has used more than 30 years. It allowed stablishing and implementing antiemetic medicines such as ondansetron, granisetron, aprepit, fosaprepitant in clinical usage. The aim of this study was approbation of cisplatin-induced acute vomiting in ferret with formulation of choice reference medicines. Ferrets were separated into 3 groups of 4 animals. Three groups were administrated intraperitoneally cisplatin in 10 mg/kg. Ondasetron was administrated intramuscularly to animals in dose 1 mg/kg. Emend V/V was administrated intravenous to animals in dose 3 mg/kg. Follow indicators were chosen: latent period, number of retching or vomiting, which was registered on typical signs during 4 hours since the cisplatin administration. Our study demonstrates that the average latent period was 2 hours and summary number of retching or vomiting was 41 ± 17 (M±SD) in control group. Ondasetron and Emend V/V showed pronounced antiemetic effect expressed by significantly decrease retching and it wasn’t registered developing vomiting in ferrets. The administration of referent medicines didn’t effect on duration latent period. When data were interpreted there were taken into account factors affecting the reproducing of the model like administration route of pathological inductor, using of anesthesia, animal number in each group and the source where the animals were grown as the most non-obvious factor.

Full text available in Russain only.


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