Problems of anesthesia in experimental animals and the severity of procedures according to Directive 2010/63 / EU (Communication 1)

DOI: 10.29296/2618723X-2021-03-06

A.R. Ziyatdinova, nursery veterinarian, ORCID 0000-0001-9390-9931;
N.А. Aleshanova, Head of the Pharmaceutical Service, ORCID 0000-0002-6785-2270;
D.Yu. Akimov, Chief Veterinarian, ORCID 0000-0003-3141-492X;
M.N. Makarova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director, ORCID 0000-0003-3176-6386

Research and manufacturing company «Home оf Pharmacy»
188663, Russia, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsky district, State enterprise Kuzmolovsky, Zavodskaya st. build. 3, build. 245
Е-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: severity of procedures stages of anesthesia drugs for anesthesia types of manipulations in research

For citation:

Ziyatdinova A.R., Aleshanova N.А., Akimov D.Yu., Makarova M.N. Problems of anesthesia in experimental animals and the severity of procedures according to Directive 2010/63 / EU (Communication 1). Laboratory Animals for Science. 2021; 3.


Until recently, the main task of general anesthesia was to turn off the consciousness and pain sensitivity of the animal, which was achieved by the introduction of large doses of anesthesia. The uncontrolled administration of such doses had an adverse effect on the animal's body, reducing its resistance, both during surgical procedures and in the postoperative period: by depressing the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

The introduction into veterinary practice of combinations of muscle relaxants, inhalation and non-inhalation anesthetics made it possible to establish the basic principles of anesthesiology, such as the rejection of universal and long-acting drugs, the early awakening of the animal immediately after the end of the manipulation, the creation of an optimal mode of the animal's body during anesthesia. and after it. However, if the picture is clear with the anesthetic protocols in demanded animals (cats, dogs) in a veterinary clinic, a number of difficulties arise with animals used as a test system in preclinical studies.

To date, the instructions for the use of drugs for veterinary use do not contain doses for small rodents and some other animal species, and there are no publicly available protocols for anesthesia and analgesia in accordance with the type of manipulation (the severity of the procedure).

The purpose of our work:

1. Comparison of the severity of procedures according to Directive 2010/63 / EU with the stage of anesthesia and methods of anesthesia assessment;

2. Market analysis of pharmaceuticals for anesthesia and analgesia of animals in the Russian Federation.

The article discusses modern classifications and types of severity of procedures that are used in preclinical studies, and also compares the severity of procedures according to Directive 2010/63 / EU and the stages of anesthesia (light, moderate and deep).

A thorough analysis of the means for providing anesthesia and analgesia of animals in Russia was carried out, and options for the development of this situation were proposed: registration of innovative means for anesthesia of animals in Russia, development of guidelines for the use of means for anesthetic provision, in accordance with the type of animal and stage anesthesia.

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The work was done without sponsorship.

Authors' contributions 

A.R. Ziyatdinova - collecting and organizing material, writing text, editing, interacting with the editorial board, preparing a version for publication.
M.N. Makarova - idea, consultation, approval of the final version of the article for publication.
N.А. Aleshanova - work with tabular material.
D.Yu. Akimov - editing and critical revision of the content of the text.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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